#17 - Talia Eisenberg & Vianey Perez: The Intake Process

August 3, 2023

Curious about the process of applying for ibogaine treatment? Want to know more about how staff screen potential clients? In this episode, Amanda Siebert is joined by two previous guests, Beond co-founder Talia Eisenberg and VP of clinical operations, Vianey “Nurse V” Perez, for a deep dive on Beond’s intake process, including details on medical screening, personalized care, and potential challenges or red flags. 

What we discuss:

  • Why a person might seek out ibogaine treatment
  • The length of time the intake process takes: if I were to inquire tomorrow, what’s the earliest I could be in treatment?
  • How involved the medical team is in the intake process
  • What makes someone a good candidate for ibogaine treatment? 
  • What if someone has failed at other types of treatment?
  • Potential red-flags
  • Challenges that clients might face while in treatment
  • Do people ever have to leave treatment? What’s the protocol?

Why it’s important: 

Deciding to pursue treatment with a psychedelic drug as powerful and potent as ibogaine can come with a hefty side of anxiety. The goal in creating this episode was to provide listeners with a resource that might help quell some of that stress.

Show notes

About the podcast

Can the psychedelic ibogaine really get to the root of trauma? In Ibogaine Uncovered, author and journalist Amanda Siebert explores the impact of this powerful medicine including what prompts people to seek it out and how their lives are often transformed through the teachings they receive. Guests take an honest look at their healing journey, unpacking their lived experiences with substance use disorder, complex trauma, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and grief. Expert guests also provide listeners with wisdom for their own healing journey. Join Siebert for powerful conversations that highlight the value of preparation, integration, and community in the world of ibogaine healing.

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